Gilded Today

Homemaking & Entertaining

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  • Best Kitchen Appliances for a Small Kitchen

    When curating this list, I researched top appliances, brands and products that could easily fit or be stored in a small kitchen. After a lot of thorough investigation, I narrowed down the options to this condensed list of the best kitchen appliances for a small kitchen. Enjoy, Friend.

    Best Kitchen Appliances for a Small Kitchen 
  • 5 Kitchen Tools for a Home Chef

    These five products create a fantastic foundation for any kitchen. If you’re just planning out your home chef kitchen, or looking to upgrade some of your products, I truly recommend all of the products listed here. Each of these products has really upgraded my personal cooking experience. I know you’ll love them too! Happy Cooking!

    5 Kitchen Tools for a Home Chef 
  • 5 Easy Upgrades to Improve Your Kitchen Aesthetic

    Choosing items to curate a beautifully, functional kitchen is a labor of love BUT it is totally worth it! When curating your kitchen aesthetic, I recommend sticking to the following aesthetic guidelines...

    5 Easy Upgrades to Improve Your Kitchen Aesthetic 
  • 7 Tools to Elevate your Bread Baking

    If I’m being honest, the pandemic turned me into the baker that I always wanted to be.

    Who can relate?

    With nothing to do and nowhere to go, I began to explore the world of baking, sourdough and bread baskets. I learned the magic of cooking bread in a Dutch oven versus a loaf pan and felt as if I was connecting to times long past with each loaf I baked.

    7 Tools to Elevate your Bread Baking 
  • Kitchen Tools to Improve your Baking!

    May these kitchen tool recommendations inspire you to try something new in your cooking routine. I know, from experience, that each of these tools can improve your baking.

    Kitchen Tools to Improve your Baking 
  • The Best Glassware for your Home Bar

    When shopping for your glassware, remember that classic shapes and designs are timeless and work for almost all occasions. In today’s glassware market...

    The Best Glassware for your Home Bar 
  • How to Set Up your Home Bar for Shaken Cocktails

    It is important to realize that shaken
    cocktails are completely unique from stirred cocktails. Shaken cocktails are able to contain an entirely new genre of ingredients and flavors. There is something, too, about the sound of a cocktail shaker at work, am I right? Whenever you hear that distinct sound, you can be certain- the party is about to begin. So, let’s talk about shaken cocktails and what you’ll need to make them for your guests.

    How to Set Up your Home Bar for Shaken Cocktails 
  • How to Set Up your Home Bar for Stirred Cocktails

    So, do you feel ready to start crafting cocktails at home? Perfect! Bartending at home is a great way to add value to any home- entertaining routine.

    How to Set Up your Home Bar for Stirred Cocktails 
  • Coffee Bar Ideas for the Domestic Barista

    In this blog post, I discuss several espresso machines, barista tools and coffee cup options for your coffee bar. Let’s go over what it would take to bring a little coffee paradise into your home and help you accomplish your coffee dreams. Enjoy!

    Coffee Bar Ideas for the Domestic Baritsta 
  • Best Coffee Makers (Under $100) in 2023

    There are a lot of brewing methods available today. It can be difficult to decide which is right for you. You want a coffee maker that you can trust, will last and won’t be overpriced. In this blog article, I will walk you through my favorite coffee makers and brewing methods.  

    Best Coffee Makers (Under $100) in 2023 
  • Three Ideas for Entertaining Families with Children

    If you're interested in having your friends over for dinner but are uncertain about how to entertain with small children present, then this article is for you. Entertaining with children doesn't have to be stressful or mysterious! Implementing the three ideas that I provide in this article, will ensure that your family, friends and their children will all have a great time at your next dinner party. 

    Three Ideas for Entertaining Families with Children 
  • Housekeeping Ideas for a Busy Hostess

    As a hostess, I deeply appreciate the peace of mind my grandmother’s cleaning strategy has given me. I never wonder if I’ve forgotten to do a certain chore because it’s all written down in a very manageable schedule. The chores are quick to complete and I instantly feel better about my house.

    Housekeeping Ideas for a busy Hostess 
  • The Prepared Host

    Just a few simple steps will ensure that your party goes smoothly, your guests feel cared for and you feel like a hosting extraordinaire!

    The Prepared Host 
  • Elements of a Successful Party

    Most of us have, at one time or another, experienced a party that felt just a little uncomfortable. In the following paragraphs, I will attempt to explain a handful of elements that can either make or break a party...

    Elements of a successful Party