About Gilded Today

Hello Friend!

Allow me to introduce myself...

My name is Sarah. I am a wife, mother and I love everything about homemaking and entertaining. From decorating and cooking delicious food, to organization and cleaning- I love it all. To me, home is a sacred place because it's where you and your family are free to be yourselves and create memories without any societal expectations. It's a space where you can just - BE.

No expectations. No conditions. You are simply welcome -as you are. Something so beautiful is worth cherishing and investing in. Making a home that truly reflects you can take time but it is very rewarding and a labor of love. 

With regard too entertaining, I hove hosting a good dinner party. For me, the seasons offer endless amounts of inspiration. Creating menus around seasonal produce, traditional dishes and or choosing themes that highlight the best of what that season has to offer- is a joy. Each season has something beautiful within it. Secretly. I have this hope that, years from now, my little family will have seasonal traditions that they look forward to because of the foundations that I form today. Seasonal traditions and entertaining ensures that you always have something to look forward too. 

This blog is one small way that I can share with you what I have done (so far) to make my house a home. I'm inviting you to join me on this journey of homemaking an entertaining. I will recommend what products and tools I can, share party ideas and recipes with you that I love and cheer you on as we plan and create memories side by side. 

Cheers to you and those you love. May your home be blessed always. 
